Our Method

Jesus encountered the temple system of worship in Israel when He came to earth, a system where men built shrines to God, ordained a “pastor” to “shepherd” the flock, and then abandoned their personal responsibilities to God and left them to him. This then evolved into a system of professionals and amateurs, of the certified who were revered and the uncertified who were largely forgotten, and of teachers and students in classrooms of knowledge.

To this system “The Good Shepherd” came, setting a new example and introducing a new form of church. He said the response of His sheep would be twofold: “to hear His voice and follow Him.” Then He led them out of their lukewarm faith and mundane existences and showed them through His words and his example “they could have life, and that abundantly.” We believe every man’s place is significant in the body, and each has been given unique and critical giftedness that can be discovered, developed, and deployed there.

Once men’s eyes are opened to the kingdom, we want to help them learn the language of the kingdom [hearing His voice through personal revelation] and to find shepherds like Jesus in the marketplaces of America to follow and emulate. We desire to return them to Jesus’ model of shepherds and sheep, mentors and apprentices, disciplers and disciples and help them find communities of other kingdom men that follow Paul’s prescription for the church found in 1st Corinthians 14, where all contribute, all learn, and all are encouraged.

As men’s eyes are opened to the kingdom and they reengage with the Biblical model of discipleship and God’s church, the Ecclesia, they will naturally reengage the communities around them in the marketplaces of everyday life [for more information go to www.Marketplacesaints.net]