“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30)

For the past 5-6 years God, through His Holy Spirit, has granted me revelations of His blessed kingdom of heaven on earth and it is those downloads from above that comprise my latest book, The Kingdom Election. But just as it was and is with His holy Word, He is never limited to what He told us in the past, even revelations He gave us yesterday. It is always that “new thing” He’s about that, if we dwell on the past, we will miss (Isa. 43). In the book I write of revelation as being the language of the kingdom. The God who loves us and created us for intimate fellowship with Him didn’t just write a best-seller and go fishing!

He speaks to those who have attuned their ears to the voice of His Spirit daily. This is one of the reasons Paul encourages us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). I don’t believe he’s telling us to crawl around on our knees in prayer, but to maintain a constant, open dialogue with the One who so loves to speak to those who will just pay the price to hear. And so, it should be no surprise that so shortly after I published the book, the downloads just keep coming!

In The Kingdom Election, I also write of the clearest “tell” of all as to whether a believer is still a citizen of Satan’s kingdom of man and religion, that being whether or not they let politics rule their thoughts. Given it’s an election season, the work that still needs to be done to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom Jesus proclaimed is clearly there to see. How is “the tell” so clear to see? In Isaiah 9:6-7 we read about the government of the kingdom of heaven on earth and it has nothing to do whatsoever with its counterfeits here on earth. Isaiah says of “the government that rests squarely upon His [Christ’s] shoulders”:

  • Its leadership is one: the “Prince of peace”
  • There “will be no end to the increase of it or of peace”
  • He is “upholding it in justice and righteousness, from then on [then being when He came proclaiming “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” to bring His kingdom to earth] and forever more.

Let’s compare that to the governments of man:

  • They are about money and power.
  • Their leadership are agents of fear, control, and chaos
  • There is no end to the control they try to wield over an increasingly chaotic, sinful world
  • There is no justice or righteousness to be found. Just accusation, bribes, corruption, and deception.

I cove all this in the book, but what has come anew to me is a verse He led me to that dovetails perfectly with Isaiah 9, and that is from Matthew 11 where Jesus says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” When I got to that word, “yoke,” the Spirit immediately harkened me back to Isaiah’s words.

The prophet says the government of endless peace the kingdom of heaven on earth would represent would rest upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ. It only stands to reason this would lead people out of their heavy burdens of chaos, anxiety, and fear the kingdom of man is characterized by. What struck me was considering where a yoke exactly resides on the body. True, it goes around the neck, but where does it rest? On the shoulders!

Jesus bids all those who are weak and heavy laden, burdened down by the chaos and fear that is really all the kingdom of man is capable of serving up these days [and I don’t know what is causing more chaos and fear to most than what’s been transpiring in Washington ever since Donald Trump was elected] to come take His yoke, the one that rests upon His shoulders because it is easy and light. Where politics is involved, Jesus’ yoke is the government that rests upon our King’s shoulders!

Like most Christians today who are trying to live with one foot in each kingdom, I used to allow myself to get tied up in knots over what was going on in the halls of power, both nationally and locally. It left me burdened by anger and wearied by constant worry and frustration over all the injustices and unrighteousness I witnessed daily there. But now I have come to know with a certainty far beyond theory, speculation, or doubt that my citizenship abides in the kingdom of heaven on earth. I need not suffer any of these pangs inflicted by a kingdom that I have left far behind in my rear-view mirror, for I have donned a new yoke that is truly light and with that, a new peace that is truly freeing.

In the kingdom I now possess citizenship in, a kingdom available to anyone who will but forsake the kingdom we are born into and pursue, my King has been ruling in justice and righteousness since He first appeared, nothing is broken or corrupted, and there is only the hope and peace of heaven, both now and eternally. Do I have perfect peace in all things? Not yet, for there is always a higher calling and God is still working on me. But when it comes to being at peace with the world, He has taken me through a paradigm shift in the way I perceive and thus react to many things. That means rest, my friends—blessed rest for my soul, freed from the burdens of anything man or his governments can do to me.  

As He did with the burden of sin and death, Jesus took the loads and yokes of the world, put them on His shoulders, carried the weight so we wouldn’t need to, and said “Come to me, give me your sin and your burdens, and exchange it for My kingdom and my righteousness I have now opened to you.” The rest comes in knowing if I just continue to seek His kingdom and His righteousness, true to His Word, everything else will truly fall into place and I need not worry about it.

If you want to come to understand my journey that went beyond merely the saving of a soul from sin, to many years of faith and obedience leading to having His kingdom revealed so I could truly “count everything man’s kingdom seeks to burden me with as rubbish for the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus,” I hope you’ll get your copy of The Kingdom Election [under Books by Mike tab on this website] and begin your journey. Apply for new citizenship in the kingdom of heaven on earth, come out from under the burdens of the kingdom of man and religion, and enter into His rest!