“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs…Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.“ (Matt 24:7-13)

[Author’s note concerning politics: This is not my kingdom nor are any politicians of this kingdom my kings. They are governments God set in place to rule over the kingdom of man and religion. My government is set forth in Isaiah 9:6-7 where my Prince of Peace is, right now, ruling in justice and righteousness. I care not what rulers of man do because my mind has been renewed to His kingdom of heaven on earth. Nonetheless, He told us to read the signs of the times to understand what’s going on in  those realms, and the political arena is where you best find those.]

Back in September of 2018 in my Why the Insanity? series, again in May of 2020 in my Covid-19 series [both of which are available on TheawakenedChristianman.org website blog page], and most recently in my upcoming book, The Kingdom Election [due out summer 2022], I identified Donald Trump’s miraculous election in 2016 as the flashpoint for what Jesus called in the above passage “the beginning of the birth pangs.” I stated in those writings there was a simple explanation as to why so many Christians and conservatives were suddenly asking, “Why all the insanity?” as fully a third of our country seemed to instantaneously come completely unhinged in that specific moment in time.

To summarize, Jesus said nation would arise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. The Greek for kingdom here means, “a realm, a rule, or a reign.” So, what Jesus was saying was during this time not only would those in the kingdom of man be fighting amongst themselves [nothing new about that], but what was far more important to those who understand the two “realms” vying for our loyalties on earth would begin choosing up sides, and both would begin to arise in great power!

I said what I believed we were witnessing with all the insanity around America, and the growing attempts by other world powers to unseat her from her throne she has held ever since the end of WWII, was the actual possessing by Satan of the armies he must amass to face the return of the King of kings and keep his stronghold here on earth. Likewise, God began separating the wheat from the chaff in His kingdom and affirming the reality of a literal kingdom of heaven on earth [the focus of my new book] to His prophets.

On that fateful day in 2016, all middle ground began to rapidly evaporate, and “moderation” ceased to be. People were revealed as being on one side or the other. Those on evil’s side all came out of their closets as any semblance of reason and decency were cast aside. Thus, the answer to “Why all the insanity?” The father of insanity was coming for his own!

On to the present and the subject of this blog: one of the phenomenons Jesus said would indicate the birth pangs were, indeed, upon us was “lawlessness being increased causing most people’s love to grow cold.” Remember, what is important here is the clashing of realms, not nations, and there is one coming to rule over the kingdom of man whose very presence answers the question as to why lawlessness must increase in these times.

2nd Thessalonians 2 says, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed…For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work…Then that lawless one will be revealed…” Paul goes on to describe this one he refers to twice as the lawless one being Satan’s henchman who will come alongside his false prophet with false signs and wonders, deception and wickedness shortly before Jesus returns. That passage goes on to say God will send delusion upon those who follow him so they may be judged who chose wickedness over truth.

Let’s review just some of what’s taken place in the way of lawlessness compounding so rapidly since Trump’s election:

  • He was barraged by multiple concocted government investigations designed to destroy his presidency, his family, and anyone associated with him. For four years this barrage of non-stop accusations [who is the “accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12)?] went on.
  •  During this time many of the institutions we count upon to uphold the law were exposed as the very ones perpetrating the lawlessness against Trump. In other words, the law-keepers became the lawless.
  • The 2020 elections were then [allegedly] rigged with phony mail in ballots and [allegedly] hacked voting machines by the party that has become the party of lawlessness, to ensure Trump did not win again. And though the proof of all this lawlessness concerning Trump’s presidency and the rigged elections is abundant, to this day not one offender has suffered any consequences. The party of lawlessness now rules two branches of the government, with the third at risk due to promised “packing of the Supreme Court.”
  • Conservative Supreme Court justices are being targeted at their own homes by protesting mobs, and even assassins, threatening violence if their cornerstone ruling allowing the murder of the unborn is overturned.  
  • And tragically, abortion rights have now been extended in some lawless states to exist after the actual birth of the child!
  • The police who are responsible for keeping the laws have been widely and increasingly vilified, abused, and accused as being the criminals across this nation, while sentences on real criminals are lighter than ever. Police officers are retiring or quitting in massive numbers as they sense lawlessness has indeed replaced the law and they are now in a no-win situation.
  • Our borders are being overrun by illegal immigrants being brought in and given instant voting rights to keep the party of lawlessness in power.
  • Conservative speakers are being shouted down, having their lives threatened, and their venues destroyed on the college campuses that are supposed to be the bastions of free expression and debate.
  • Free speech has likewise been targeted across all the major social media platforms, with Christian and conservative voices being limited or silenced altogether. When Elon Musk attempts to buy one of the larger ones, he is likewise vilified and accused of being “racist”, a favorite card for the party of lawlessness loves to play when anyone disagrees with them.
  • Gangs and the homeless are being allowed to run roughshod in our cities without fear of consequence. Homeless tent cities are growing without boundaries, chasing law abiding citizens away and leaving only the lawless.

I could go on and on, and all this is causing love, on both sides of the isle, to “grow cold.” Members of families are turned against one another, marriages are dissolving, and anger, frustration, and division now rule over the minds of most.

But haven’t there always been people willing to break the law? Of course, but what is important to note [if I may use a very popular word currently] is the “pandemic” nature of the lawlessness today, the remarkable size of the crowd who embrace it, and how rapidly it has expanded. It’s as though war has been declared on the laws of this land, across the board and on a massive scale never faintly witnessed before. These are not isolated incidents anymore. They are everywhere and sanctioned by a large section of the population, and it all began in November of 2016.

There can be only one reason for such a dramatic moral downward spiral, in such a short amount of time across such a large segment of the population: the aforementioned possession of his people as Satan prepares for the two realms arising against one another during these birth pangs Jesus forewarned us of.

Ask yourself, “Who but Satan himself would condone and actually incite all these acts? Who is the author of accusation, the favorite tool of the party of lawlessness? Who would incite the murder of fully delivered babies to the cheers of rejoicing fans except him who came to “kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10)? Who but he would make criminals of decent people trying to enforce the law and make heroes of those breaking them except “the lawless one?” Who but the one who breeds hatred, anger, and chaos would cause love to grow cold? And whom else but the prince of darkness could control such a sizeable portion of the population to do all these deeds that are his character in such a short period of time?

If you could sum up in one verse what we have been facing ever since the insanity started back in 2016, it might be Isaiah 5: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil—who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness and who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” There is only one who delights in perversion of all good things God gives, and he is the one behind the insanity we see rampaging through our society today. If you have a better explanation for the suddenness, the scope, and the power of the change I’d love to hear it.

To review:  

  • Jesus warns of a time called the days of sorrows, or birth pangs, that would be the precursor to the end of the history of mankind.
  • He says this time will be marked by the two spiritual realms on earth arising against one another as had not happened ever before. When “realms” arise, people go with them. There are only two on earth and so the choice to remain neutral is no longer an option.
  • I claim the flashpoint for that time was the 2016 elections, followed by the Covid pandemic. That is when middle ground evaporated, the realms began to assert their power, and the insanity began.
  • Jesus says this time will also be marked by “the increase of lawlessness, causing most people’s hearts to grow cold.”
  • Paul identifies the Anti-Christ, who will be called “the lawless one,” as the one who will come to deceive those who don’t love the truth, and that God will cause a delusion to fall upon them so they might be judged. How is that for choosing up sides? God won’t allow any but His chosen ones to know the truth and join His team. He will proactively drive the others away.
  • “And then the end will come.”  

Why the insanity? I believe Jesus foretold it all when He said the times we now live in would be marked by exactly what we are seeing unfold today before our very eyes. Only those who elect to forsake the world and become card-carrying citizens of the kingdom of heaven on earth will be chosen for the right team and find peace in a world of increasing lawlessness, chaos, and fear. Don’t be “left behind” in the clutches of the Enemy and the delusion God is now bringing upon all others.