Think about this: Jesus spoke of being the Messiah who would defeat death and yet no one understood, nor was the power of it known, until the event of His resurrection. He came forth from the grave, appeared to many to prove it, and ascended to heaven. Pretty amazing.

Jesus also spoke of the coming of the Holy Spirit to miraculously indwell and transform us before He left us, and yet no one understood, nor was the power of it known, until the event of Pentecost. At Pentecost tongues of fire descended, power was given to the Apostles, the message was heard in many languages, and many were transformed in an instant. Again, pretty amazing.

Likewise, there was a specific event where God made known the kingdom coming to earth with great power. But compare the first two events with the sun being darkened, the massive temple veil being torn in two, the earth shaking, rocks being split and many people walking around the city who had been dead for centuries, perhaps millennia, after having been resurrected! The most important message of all was revealed with the event that was warranted.