Pray… Why does it seem You are distant to me now, O Lord? Why do I not hear Your voice or sense Your presence? The wicked one, whose nature it is to accuse, loves to taunt me in these times. I pray, silence his voice and defeat his plans for me. His children boast of their heart’s desires and greedy men who follow him curse and spurn You. Because of the pride that dwells within their souls, they reject You. Believing there is no God, they seek only worldly gain in all they do. They are blind to Your truth, O Lord, for it is spiritually discerned and out of their reach. Mocking their adversaries, evil men think they shall never be moved from their positions of power, and they shall never see adversity. Their mouths are full of curses, deceit, and oppression, and their tongues are a fire full of deadly poison, mischief, and wickedness. Their master abides in shadows, as from his hiding place he prays upon the innocent. His eyes watch in stealth for the unfortunate and naïve, as he crouches like a lion waiting to pounce. He lurks in shadows ready to catch the afflicted and draw them into his net. He springs his traps, and the ignorant and unbelieving give in to his deceptions. He thinks You have forgotten, and that his wicked deeds and acts are hidden from Your sight.

I pray arise, O Lord! O my Lord and King, lift up Your righteous right hand, for You do not forsake the afflicted and You will not forget me! Surely You see all and have beheld the mischief and chaos Satan and his minions have caused and have weighed everything upon Your scales. The lowly and the poor in spirit commit themselves to You, for You are the helper of the orphan and the widow. I pray, break Satan’s spell of evil! Seek out and defeat his wickedness until it torments no more! Earthly kingdoms may rise and fall but You, Lord Jesus, are King forever and ever. You have heard the desires of the humble and will strengthen their hearts. Vindicate the faithful who are oppressed, that the deceptions of the evil one may triumph no more. Above all, O God, grant me the peace of Your kingdom, knowing vengeance is Yours and I am, as a son of God, to be a peacemaker.

ConsiderFor the vision is yet for the appointed time. It hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it for it will certainly come. Perhaps the hardest of tasks that befalls the kingdom saint is walking by faith and not sight the desert valleys that always are a part of his perfecting, for those valleys breed endurance and endurance is the key to becoming “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Jesus did not come to bring results in the flesh, but to lead us through a process in the Spirit that would, in the end, perfect us. The only people He spurned here on earth spent their lives seeking perfection in the flesh. Do we covet what the rich in this life have, particularly during seasons of God’s testing? Living by faith means being content in any circumstance and allowing our trials to teach us endurance and the peace of His kingdom, rather than succumbing to the emotional highs and lows of the flesh. If we forsake worldly desires and, step by faithful step, determine to follow God when we neither hear nor feel Him, He will prepare our hearts for a fulfilling life in the Spirit now, and eternal life as His perfected saints in the hereafter!