Pray…In Your kingdom, O God, I find safe harbor from this world. I need not listen to those telling me to flee, nor run from the deadly arrows of the evil one. By Your Spirit I can be prepared for the one who comes cloaked in false light as he seeks to deceive the upright in heart. My solid foundation shall not crumble, nor shall it leave me asking, “What can I do?” You, Lord Jesus, are my cornerstone and my foundation. You are enthroned in the temple of my heart, Your laws are written upon my mind, and my foundation endures! You seal all who love You and are called according to Your purpose with these words: “The Lord knows those who are His.” Your throne is firmly established in the heavens, and Your eyes behold and test the sons of men. You test the righteous and the wicked, and You detest those who love injustice and aim at deception. O my soul, be careful to fear God and to keep His commands, for the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and will keep you from stumbling.

All judgment in heaven and earth has been given to You, Lord Jesus, and upon the wicked You will rain down confusion. Judgment, fire, weeping, gnashing of teeth and darkness will be their reward, for You are righteous and judge righteously. But the upright will surely behold Your face, for You know how to rescue the godly from temptation and how to keep the unrighteous under punishment awaiting the Day of Judgment.

ConsiderAnd from everyone who has been given much shall much be required, and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. The testing of Job began with God delivering a challenge to Satan: “Have you considered my servant Job?”Until the Lord incited this fight Job lived the charmed life: devout, righteous, wealthy, and highly respected among men. The accuser answered God with the same words he responds with to this day: “Does this one fear God for nothing? But put forth Your hand against all that he has now and he will surely curse You to Your face.” God not only allows this testing-by-fire but can even instigate it, as He did with Job, to see if much can be required from those to whom He has given much. Be assured that God tests us in equal measure to those good works He has already prepared for us. When He does, we must be sure that our response to these challenges is the same as Job’s. Through all his trials “Job did not sin, nor did he blame God. Job worshipped.” The question is not if, but when God will test those to whom He will give the keys to His precious kingdom. If we trust in God’s promises come what may, endure the trials, and “worship” in the presence of our enemy’s attacks, we will be renewed in the fact that if our tests are extreme, His plans for us are glorious!